Results for 'Simon Njuguna Waitherero'

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    Philosophy of utuism.Simon Njuguna Waitherero - 2020 - Nairobi, Kenya: CUEA Press, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
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    A Metaphysical Understanding of the Human Person and the Philosophy of Utuism.Njuguna Waitherero - 2019 - European Journal of Philosophy Culture and Religion 3 (1):1-14.
    This article seeks to understand the metaphysical nature of human person that helps in understanding the human behavior. This behavior is dictated by the existence of Utu in the human person. The paper relates human behavior with utuism and explains the reasons why human person behave in a particular way.
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    (1 other version)The sciences of the artificial.Herbert Alexander Simon - 1969 - [Cambridge,: M.I.T. Press.
    Continuing his exploration of the organization of complexity and the science of design, this new edition of Herbert Simon's classic work on artificial ...
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    Deconstruction and Pragmatism.Simon Critchley, Jacques Derrida, Ernesto Laclau & Richard Rorty (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    Deconstruction and pragmatism constitute two of the major intellectual influences on the contemporary theoretical scene; influences personified in the work of Jacques Derrida and Richard Rorty. Both Rortian pragmatism, which draws the consequences of post-war developments in Anglo-American philosophy, and Derridian deconstruction, which extends and troubles the phonomenological and Heideggerian influence on the Continental tradition, have hitherto generally been viewed as mutually exclusive philosophical language games. The purpose of this volume is to bring deconstruction and pragmatism into critical confrontation with (...)
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  5. Richard Rorty on truth, justification and justice.Simon Thompson - 2001 - In Matthew Festenstein & Simon Thompson, Richard Rorty: Critical Dialogues. Malden, MA: Polity. pp. 33--50.
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    Ethics-Politics-Subjectivity: Essays on Derrida, Levinas & Contemporary French Thought.Simon Critchley - 2009 - Verso Books.
    In Ethics–Politics–Subjectivity, Simon Critchley takes up three questions at the centre of contemporary theoretical debate: What is ethical experience? What can be said of the subject who has this experience? What, if any, is the relation of ethical experience to politics? Through spirited confrontations with major thinkers, such as Lacan, Nancy, Rorty, and, in particular, Levinas and Derrida, Critchley finds answers in a nuanced “ethics of finitude” and defends the political possibilities of deconstruction. Democracy, economics, friendship, and technology are (...)
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    Unbecoming virulence: The politics of the ethical criticism debate.Simon Stow - 2000 - Philosophy and Literature 24 (1):185-196.
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    Function, Selection, and Innateness: The Emergence of Language Universals.Simon Kirby - 1999 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book explores issues at the core of modern linguistics and cognitive science. Why are all languages similar in some ways and in others utterly different? Why do languages change and change variably? How did the human capacity for language evolve, and how far did it do so as an innate ability? Simon Kirby looks at these questions from a broad perspective, arguing that they can be studied together. The author begins by examining how far the universal properties of (...)
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  9. Reception and Interpretation.Simon Swain - 2000 - In Dio Chrysostom: politics, letters, and philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 13--50.
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    Askese Und Armut in Der Karäischen Lehre.Simon Szyszman - 1959 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 11 (4):379-380.
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    (1 other version)Acknowledgments.Simon Kow, John Duncan & Mark Blackell - 2009 - In Simon Kow, John Duncan & Mark Blackell, Rousseau and Desire. University of Toronto Press.
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    Contributors.Simon Kow, John Duncan & Mark Blackell - 2009 - In Simon Kow, John Duncan & Mark Blackell, Rousseau and Desire. University of Toronto Press. pp. 195-198.
    The chapters in is collection examine various aspects of JJ Rousseau's work as it relates to the concept of desire.
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  13. Žižek's Marx: 'Sublime Object' or a 'Plague of Fantasies'?Simon Tormey & Andrew Robinson - 2006 - Historical Materialism 14 (3):145-174.
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    "Squinting at Silliman": Scientific Periodicals in the Early American Republic, 1810-1833.Simon Baatz - 1991 - Isis 82 (2):223-244.
  15. (1 other version)Les nuées, les Grenouilles et les Mystères d'Eleusis.Simon Byl - 1999 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 17 (1):3-10.
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  16. Several gynecological ingredients (fruits and plants) and their relationship with masculine and feminine pudenda in the hippocratic treatise Nature of the Female.Simon Byl - 2009 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 87 (1):5-11.
  17. Der Begriff der Natur in aristotelischer und moderner Sicht.Simon Moser - 1961 - Philosophia Naturalis 6 (3):261.
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    Grundbegriffe der Naturphilosophie bei Wilhelm von Ockham: kritischer Vergleich der Summulae in libros physicorum mit der Philosophie des Aristoteles.Simon Moser - 1932 - F. Rauch.
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    Effect of visibility of the loci on recall using the method of loci.Simon Kemp & Christopher D. van der Krogt - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (3):202-204.
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    Reaction time to the start and end of noise as a function of rise-decay time.Simon Kemp - 1983 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 21 (3):195-198.
  21. An enquiry into some aspects of British businessmen's behaviour.Simon Webley - 1971 - London,: Industrial Educational and Research Foundation.
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  22. Robert Carsen's production of Les contes d'Hoffmann : an exercise in theatrical self-reflection.Simon Williams - 2010 - In Walter Bernhart & Werner Wolf, Self-reference in literature and other media. New York: Rodopi.
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  23. Argument all the way down : The demanding discipline of non-argumento-centric modes of philosophy.Simon Glendinning - 2010 - In James Williams, Edwin Mares, James Chase & Jack Reynolds, Postanalytic and Metacontinental: Crossing Philosophical Divides. New York: Continuum.
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  24. The idea of nationalism in Belfast in the late eighteenth century.Simon Davies - 1988 - Enlightenment and Dissent 7:25-34.
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    Labor and employment.Simon Deakin - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer, The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 308.
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    Temps, Dieu, liberté dans les "Commentaires aristotéliciens" de saint Thomas dA̓quin.Simon Decloux - 1967 - [Bruges,]: Desclée, De Brouwer.
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    Lebenskunst.Simon Derpmann - 2023 - In Frauke Höntzsch, Mill-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. J.B. Metzler. pp. 295-299.
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    Jean-Francois Lyotard.Simon Malpas - 2003 - New York: Routledge.
    This is an essential guide to an thinker. Frederic Jameson sees Lyotard as responding to a contemporary "crisis of representation" in the sciences -- a crisis which calls into question "an essentially realistic epistemology, which conceives of representation as the reproduction, for subjectivity, of an objectivity that lies outside it -- projects a mirror theory of knowledge and art, whose fundamental evaluative categories are those of adequacy, accuracy, and Truth itself.".
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  29. Jesucristo en los sermones de San Antonio de Padua.L. Perez Simon - 1996 - Verdad y Vida 54 (215-16):353-405.
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  30. The Ethics of Deconstruction: An Attempt at Self-Criticism.Simon Critchley - 1997 - Pli 6:87-102.
  31. The Need for Fiction in Poetry and Politics: An Interview.Simon Critchley & Yong Kim - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy and Scripture 4 (1).
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    Stepwise lexical decomposition.Simon C. Dik - 1978 - Lisse: The Peter de Ridder Press.
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    The politics of discourse: Are our rights at risk.Simon Čembers - 1991 - Theoria 34 (2):7-20.
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    Art, Ethics, Responsibility, Crisis: Literature and Climate Change.Simon C. Estok - 2020 - Cultura 17 (2):29-40.
    Literature has an ethical obligation to respond to the climate change crisis, and scholars have a responsibility to understand how these responses work. Neither the humanities nor the sciences have a good record when it comes to encouraging people to limit their desires, their consumption, or their growth. While there may be genetic reasons for this failure, calls for humanity to limit itself need better responses. Literature can help us to respond better to climate change, but only if we reconceptualize (...)
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  35. Gravity sucks (Kittinger).Simon Faithfull - 2007 - Angelaki 12 (2).
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    Disowning the weather.Simon Hailwood - 2011 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 14 (2):215-234.
    This paper is concerned with two senses of disowning in the context of climate change and human modification of nature generally. In one of these senses disowning is something to be encouraged; but in the other sense discussed here, disowning is to be discouraged. Both raise problems for liberal theory. There is no space here to do little more than indicate some of these problems; consequently the paper is mainly negative and critical in tone. Although I focus mainly on the (...)
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  37. Interviews with professor Ágnes Heller (I) Budapest, 1/2 July 1981.Agnes Heller-Simon - 1998 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 17:21-52.
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  38. La Hermenéutica edificante en los estudios sobre Platón: el filósofo-artista.Simón Royo Hernández - 2010 - A Parte Rei 67:8.
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  39. Public experiments.Simon Schaffer - 2005 - In Bruno Latour & Peter Weibel, Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy. Mit Press (Ma). pp. 298--307.
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    Das Präreflexive als Bedingung von Selbstbewusstsein in Hinblick auf die Möglichkeit des Anderen.Dorit Simon - 2007 - In Christoph Asmuth, Transzendentalphilosophie Und Person: Leiblichkeit - Interpersonalität - Anerkennung. Transcript Verlag. pp. 225-236.
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  41. Expérimentations et déplacements éthiques. A propos de l’insémination artificielle.R. Simon - 1974 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 62 (4):515.
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  42. El tiempo entre costuras. María Dueñas. Editorial Planeta, 2009.María Simón - 2010 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 60 (965):104.
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  43. Lo que esconde tu nombre, Clara Sánchez.María Simón - 2010 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 60 (966):100.
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  44. Melchisédech dans la polémique entre juifs et chrétiens et dans la légende.Marcel Simon - 1937 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 17:58-93.
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    Philosophie critique et Écriture sainte.Josef Simon & Marc De Launay - forthcoming - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale.
    L'article thématise la tension entre la compréhension d'une « Écriture sainte » et une philosophie critique « éclairée » dont la position est, au premier chef, représentée par Kant. Pour lui, l' interprétation de l' Écriture obéit uniquement au strict paradigme herméneutique. Il part du fait que l'homme, un être qui n'est pas purement rationnel, mais qui est simultanément raisonnable et soumis aux sens, est moralement obligé de saisir positivement les commandements éthiques fondés dans la raison comme des commandements divins. (...)
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  46. Platonic resurgences in the theological thought of Fenelon: Le'Gnostique de Saint Clement d'Alexandrie'.M. Simon - 2003 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de L Etranger 128 (2):211-232.
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  47. Questions débattues en France au sujet du divorce.R. Simon - 1973 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 61 (4):491.
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  48. „Subjektivitat„ als Wahrheitsgrund.Josef Simon - 1995 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 40.
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  49. Études Sur la Théodicé de Et D'Aristote.Jules Simon - 1840
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    XIII. Die Dimension der Pragmatik und die Idee der Tiefenstruktur.Josef Simon - 1971 - In Philosophie und linguistische Theorie. New York,: de Gruyter. pp. 102-107.
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